Want To Sell - Cylinder Music Boxes

Do you have an item for sale which we may be interested in? Please file your sell list here as completely as possible and we will review it and see if it meets our current needs. Please give detailed information by category of items you have for sale. If you are uncertain about what you have, please call or send photographs to us.

After completing the information, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button.


Work Phone:
Home Phone:


Number of tunes per cylinder:
Number of teeth on comb:
Length and diameter of the pinned or "fat"
portion of the cylinder (excluding the gears
and axle on the end):
Is the bedplate: brass: cast iron
Check if: wound by ratchet that pulls up:   wound by key:
Key in which side of case: left:   right:
Condition of case:
Is there a matching table? Yes:   No:
Are there bells? Yes: No:
How many bells?
Condition of mechanism:
Any rust on mechanism: Yes: No:
Are there other instruments such as wood
block, castanet, etc?
Check if: Restored:   Unrestored:
General description:
Asking price (US$)