Marty & Elise Roenigk |
ORGANETTES HP-5 Tournaphone Organette. Beautiful stencils, takes a very large roll. Very nice condition, paper labels fine. Has three rolls with damaged beginnings. Making some noise. $700. HP-7 Gem Roller Organ.
Good stencils. Plays well. One note ciphering HP-8 "Home Music Box" Brand Gem Roller Organ. These were sort of an upscale version of the standard Gem Roller Organ, with a glass lid added and a different name on the added marquee. Quite attractive style. Stencils are weak. Rust on keys. Not playing. With six cobs. $500. HP-11 Intonia Organette
With Metal Discs. These metal disc organettes are very hard to find,
this is the first one we have had in several years. Plays very well.
Plain case. With nine HP-12 Celestina Pneumatic Organette. Always very popular, these pneumatic style Celestina organettes are very musical and very loud when restored. This one has lots of pressure for volume but the roll is not turning. The thin hinged board on the upper front has probably been replaced. With two rolls plus one reproduction roll. $800. HP-14 McTammany Organette. Plays strips. Stencil worn on top. Has one strip with it. Good pressure/volume, but not advancing the strip. $400. GRO-1 Gem Roller Organ, needs full restoration, some parts are loose in a bag, but it seems complete except for a missing crank, $275 GRO-2 Gem Roller Organ, this is the scarcer style with a hinged lid/cover for the cob, similar to Bower's page 754 lower left. Needs restoration but appears complete except for missing crank, lid is split. $350 GRO-3 Gem Roller Organ. Stencils fair, perhaps 75%. Two bottom corners of case replaced. Keys have surface rust. Appears complete except no crank. $275. CRO-1 Concert Roller Organ. Glass missing, crank rusty, stencils 80%. Good unrestored condition. $575. CRO-4 Concert Roller Organ. No stencils on top, faded/worn but visible stencils on sides and front. New glass. Part of top may be replaced. Runs, makes some noise, crankshaft slightly bent. $525. MD-2 Concert Roller Organ, nice stencils, nice cosmetic condition except the bottom frame has come unglued from the main body, missing glass. Mechanism works but organ doesn't make any music/sound. $575. OZ-26 Gem Roller Organ. Good stencils, six cobs, plays, but misses some notes. $350
DISCS! DISCS! DISCS! We make no attempts to sell discs other than
when someone buys a music box and wants extra discs. As a result we
typically have over 1,000 discs in stock of various makes and sizes.
Heavy concentration in Regina, Polyphon, Stella, Mira. If you want to
buy in quantities of ten or more with no list, email or call us and
we’ll send you a price list. Otherwise, please stop by and you can go
through them. We also discounts for very large quantity purchase.
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Mechantiques – Marty & Elise Roenigk
The Crescent Hotel & Spa